Actually, I posted it because it was less about who was going to win, and more about the way Marlins fans are viewed, which has been obvious even way up here. I know of rabid Yankees fans who feel that the Cubs "deserved" to be in the World Series, and certainly mainstream mdeia cooverage has been dismissive of the Marlins and their fans. I read the following recently:
In reply to:

Damned upstart Marlins have no tradition or real fan base to speak of (especially after the dismantling of their first Championship team the year after they won). Everyone (except for Jeb Bush) wanted to see the Cubbies in the Series. It's a shame.

and it seemed to encapsulate precisely the attitude that Barry was addressing. It was a humorous article that showed the other point of view, one not being given much, if any, credence.

Since everything he wrote fits with what I've read from Yankees fans, I both laughed while reading his article, and decided to make sure that Jeb and Dave aren't alone in supporting the Marlins.