>one of the worst ones I've heard since TEd last frequented this board.

I think the best I can do now is infrequent the board. I've been so busy since I've retired and moved I haven't even had time to get the matted hair off El Gordo. In fact I have to run soon since I have a catacomb.

All seriousness aside, I've missed this place, but I am being pulled in 17 different directions right now.

The house is in great shape considering its age, but thyere are some cosmetic things I need to fix. For example, the railing on the front porch is a total of almost 60 linear feet (as opposed to non-linear feet I guess.) And it has balusters an inch sqyare and about 3 inches apart. LOTS of them. LOTS and LOTS of them. And they have 100 years' accumulation of paint on them. Paint that has a surface like alligator skin. So I spend an hour or three every day scraping old paint off. And wearing a dustmask and worrying about lead.

And it takes almost two hours to mow the lawn. I finally clipped on a pedometer and found that I walk just about three miles every time I mow the lawn.

We finally sold the house in Denver (closing is Tuesday), so now I have th4e money to build my dream shop in the back yard, which means that I have to get together a building and site plan so I can get a building permit.

And it goes on and on. Swim lessons for the kids, Cub Scouts for Theo, etc.

And every time I look in here I see that I'm something like 6000 messages behind and I despair since I know I just don't have the time. I'm going to make an effort to spend a couple of hours a week here, but I'm being stretched fat. With my physique I certainly can't be stretched thin!

Hugs to all