I was thinking of thin metal wedges, that are wedged into the spaces between stones, and allow you to 'build' a step stairs up the side of a stone face.. they don't get hammered in, the slip in and are held in place by gravity..

(i don't know much about climbing like that, but i remember Clavell, in the story 'ShoGun' has his 'pilot' marvel at one of the Japanese fortresses, since the wall is so smooth, and rocks so carefully cut, you would not be able to scale the walls with...(some sort of climbing equipment)

Thinking about it, even if people didn't go rock climbing for pleasure in the past, i suspect, that anyone who had a skill as doing it, would be a good person to attempt a sneak attach on a castle or fortress. and if people did it, they devised tool and equipment to do it better.