hunting is illegal in all 5 counties of NYC- and i don't think that its permitted in either county on LI, or in Westchester.

every once it in while, this is pointed out, when some country folk, thrilled with the abundance of game, take a pot shot a squirrel, or pheasant, or other game- to fill the families dinner pot.

NYC does support a rich variety of game, and fur animals. mostly small stuff- possums, and racoons, squirrels, red fox, the occational area has rabbits, skunks. Lots of game birds, pheasants, and grouse, and cormorants, egrets, herons, geese, (which every hates, but no one want to seen killed or hunted, they just want them to go away!) many kinds of ducks, swans- and these are just the birds i have seen in NYC! a few years ago, a coyotte wandered into Manhattan- he was seen loping across the Henry Hudson bridge that connects Manhattan to mainland...(and quickly rounded up, and relocated a few counties north of the city!)

Eastern Long Island has deer-- but i don't think it has a hunting season --needless to say, eastern Long Island has lots of Lyme disease. and i think the fox is the biggest preditor to be found.

game is something i barter for; a good friend has a husband that goes hunting, and when she is overstocked, i find something to do for her and she pays me off in venison...
(my daughter is not a vegitarian, but she thinks its wrong to eat 'bambi'- but i am hard hearted!)