Oh, and guys...it is illegal to hunt squirrel in Québec. Is it still legal to do so in your neck of the woods?

You're not kidding?

I don't know about Virginia where I live now. I haven't been hunting since I lived at home. My parents and 2 brothers live in Tennessee. I haven't heard them talk about it much lately, but I think I'd hear a lot of cussing if such a law were passed.

My wife says dogs are delicious, but considers a squirrel just a tree-rat (which I suppose it is). OTOH, I wouldn't have any trouble at all tossing some rat into the booyah, assuming it were sufficiently meaty.

It's really nagging me that I can't remember the name of that stuff my friend's mom used to make. He's among my oldest friends, but I haven't talked to him in a year or two. He'll think I'm just being silly if I call up just to ask that. I'll try to sneak it in after I catch up on the other stuff.
