In another thread about a racehorse that disappeared from the face of the Earth in 1983 [hence a fitting search for Hubble], we were told that the source of the Hubble idea was "a pundit overheard".

Since the subject of the search is a racehorse, I suggested that the "pundit" was probably a chalker, and then we got into the meaning of "chalker".

Anyone familiar with the word "chalker"?

I associate the word with veteran gamblers who study the histories of the horses in a race before making their bet. They're easy to spot. They are always bent over their Racing Forms, scratching and scribbling their arcane science with feverish intensity as the odds for the race are posted.

I can't find any authority for this meaning in the Search Engines. Closest reference I can find is to someone who keeps score of a dart game.

If someone has a better idea, I may have to chalk mine up to experience [which is what any good chalker will do when his horse comes in out of the money].