well i thought, i'm not having ol' faldage smarty pants just sittin there all smug an knowin mor'n'me, i'll jolly well find out meself. so i thought, not too rock surely, just type frequentive affix into google and pick the second one down ( always go to the second one first, dunno why), the url looks obscure enough
http://member.melbpc.org.au/~tmajlath/gram.htmlokay, not helpful, but quite interesting
after about half an hour i remember my mission and click my google window, type in frequentive affixes and follow the lectric blue road to some yahoo group which won't let me and my smelly linux runner in so i go through a mirror and find a post referring to both frequentive affixes, within the context of something called quenya grammar. Hmm I think to myself , could this be a linguist or somesuch? Perhaps this Mr. Quenya has devised a special language theory.
oh no
I typed in quenya grammar to google and found myself in some crazy UMIST 'science' archive reading an article entitled : 'QUENYA GRAMMAR REEXAMINED', I DUNNO WHY HE WAS SHOUTING THOUGH.
damn you Faldage, It is half eleven at night, You have to tell me or I'll start typing in Elvish
vanwa alassenye , possibly
edit---- hmm , going to try thinking for myself. Is it something to do with the beginnings being the same, like snout sniff sneeze? is it something to do with wh- inge and wh-ine being a bit onamananatapaoeic (i'm going for the machine gun approach on the spelling front)? is it something really obvious that is going to make me look really stupid? please sir