I'm not familiar with your county. I understand the distinction you draw, believe it sensible, and also believe that that is the clear intent of having an SOL in the first place.

As I said previously, I'm aware there are crappy teachers out there. I had enough when I was student and I'm aware of a very few in current school systems. I also said previously that I think teacher incompetence is not significant problem - at least I don't think it's a significant problem in most school systems. By far the most serious problem, I suspect, is failure of parents and students to accept any significant responsibility for their own educations.

As for teaching to the test, I've heard a number of teachers explain to me that they had to have students memorize certain things and that the SOL forced them to teach to the test. If this is not the case in your county, I'm elated to hear it. (I suspect it's not the prevailing view even here in Fairfax.)
