Hev, that's a wonderful site - thanks!

Auntie Travels to Edinburk

When I reach Scotland, I oreddy know this place is condemn.

First, they all cannot speak properly. The capital is called Edin-burk, but they all say it like, "Edinbrur."

(I think, ah, all that whiskey make them all "brur".)

Some more their accent is si beh teruk, I hear also lia'h boh kiew.

For example, I went to the tourist office and ask, "Where can I find man who don'ch wear pants?" and they replied, (or at least I heard) "Rrruurrr rurrr rurrr hae noo rrruuurrr."

I just cannot understand how comes Singapore also is last time belong Engrand, but we spik Engrish so much better.
