himself claims he is Tryen ta think of ways ta put manners on Goldilocks, -- who he also claims to live next to--

Now you're in the thick of it! of all the wild claims of grandure i have heard from irish men all over the world--yours is, far and away the most outlandish! and if you think the fine ladies of this board are going to put up with talk like that, you have another thing coming ! the idea that an irish man could teach a irish woman about manners!

Welcome aboard!--you'll be a fine addition to the board-- we have a grand assortment of Kiwi's and Ozzies, and enough Pom(e)s to make a pie! and we have many a transplanted son (and daughter) from that fair isle, but i think you are the first irishman, posting from ireland Rubrick did post from Trinity College, but he wasn't irish so pull up a chair, sit here, warm and cosy, close to fire, and we'll take a drop to welcome you!

Hey-- did everyone here but me know that Pom (short for Pommy) was rhyming slang? by shortening and altering pomegranate , it was used for immigrant.. at least that what M-W 10th says, as well as that it was used disparagingly by kiwi's and ozzies.