“In the 1940s, Sheldon proposed a theory about how there are certain body types ("somatotypes") that are associated with certain personality characteristics. He claimed that there are three such somatotypes: endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy. You can rate yourself on each of these three dimensions using a scale from 1 (low) to 7 (high) with a mean of 4 (average). Therefore, a person who is a pure mesomorph would have a score of 1-7-1. A pure endomorph would be 7-1-1. A pure ectomorph would score a 1-1-7. A mostly average person who has some endomorphic tendencies would have a score of 6-4-4 ... etc. In the boxes below, rate the degree to which you think you possess each of the three body types. ”

sombra - Spanish = shadow. If you want one on your head, get a sombrero

somnifacient - inducing sleep

(Som*nip"a*thy) n. [L. somnus sleep + Gr. a suffering of the body, fr. to suffer.] Sleep from sympathy, or produced by mesmerism or the like. [Written also somnopathy.]

This is from Webster 1913. I think it is lousy. There are disorders of sleep, and this word should mean that.

somnivolency - I could find no definition for this, but it could mean “a desire to go to sleep”. I have often
experieneced this very unpleasantly.

sonobuoy = an oceanographic device consiting of a buoy with a device that produces a sound tjat cam be
detected far from it, and used to study ocean currents.

5ME sothseyere, one who speaks the truth6
1 a person who professes to foretell the future

The Greek word sophrosyne means something like "prudence," "self-control," or "temperance". In the Phaedrus, Socrates applies the term to the state of mind of those who are able to control their impulses to immediate gratification in the presence of beauty. He contrasts sophrosyne with hubris the loss of control, "shamelessness", or "arrogance" that causes the individual to seek pleasure and gratification regardless of the cost

sopramino - a musical term in two sites only, no clue as to meaning. Similar to soprano, perhaps.

soprano, sorceress, sprites ( recently used to describe vertical lightning at very high altitutes)

pl. 3ses 73scz8 5ModL < Gr sbros, a heap: see SOMA16 a multiple fruit formed by the merging of many flowers into a fleshy mass, as in the mulberry. Nothing to do with lesbians.


adj., adv.
5It, pp. of sostenere < L sustinere, to SUSTAIN6 Musical Direction played at a slower but sustained tempo, with each note held for its full value
pl. 3tos or 3ti 73tc8 a sostenuto passage

soterial theology, of or related to salvation

soteriology - figure it out from the above

5Fr < souffler, to blow: see fol.6 Med. a soft, blowing sound heard on auscultation

ouffl= la8
5Fr < pp. of souffler, to blow < L sufflare, to inflate, blow up, puff out < sub3 (see SUB3) + flare, to BLOW16 made light and puffy in cooking: also souf[fl=ed$ 73flad$8
n.Not a Monca Levinsky specialty.

soulful, soundest,sounding

sourdine - sourd in French means deafness. No definition given in many sites.

soutenu - French = sustained

sovietologist, spade, spadeful,spaghettini,

5< prec.6 a nuclear reaction produced by high-energy projectiles in which two or more fragments or particles, as neutrons or protons, are ejected from the target nucleus

5ME spalle, prob. < or akin to spalden, to chip, split, akin to Ger spalten, to split: see SPOOL6 a flake or chip, esp. of stone
vt., vi.
1 to break up or split
2 to break off in layers parallel to a surface
When Stone Age men made arrow heads, they started by stiking spalls off from a large piec
]of flint. They dug deep shafts into chalk deposits to find the flint.

sparable, spartanize,, spasms, spastic

5ModL spatha < L, a flat blade: see SPADE26 a large, leaflike part or pair of such parts enclosing a flower cluster (esp. a spadix)
spathed 7spa0d8
Back around 450 AD the Spatha was a lightweight Roman cavalry sword that measured roughly a yard long. ...

spacialize, special, specific, spectacular, spectrology

“In the 1940s, Sheldon proposed a theory about how there are certain body types ("somatotypes") that are associated with certain personality characteristics. He claimed that there are three such somatotypes: endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy. You can rate yourself on each of these three dimensions using a scale from 1 (low) to 7 (high) with a mean of 4 (average). Therefore, a person who is a pure mesomorph would have a score of 1-7-1. A pure endomorph would be 7-1-1. A pure ectomorph would score a 1-1-7. A mostly average person who has some endomorphic tendencies would have a score of 6-4-4 ... etc. In the boxes below, rate the degree to which you think you possess each of the three body types. ”

sombra - Spanish = shadow. If you want one on your head, get a sombrero

somnifacient - inducing sleep

(Som*nip"a*thy) n. [L. somnus sleep + Gr. a suffering of the body, fr. to suffer.] Sleep from sympathy, or produced by mesmerism or the like. [Written also somnopathy.]

This is from Webster 1913. I think it is lousy. There are disorders of sleep, and this word should mean that.

somnivolency - I could find no definition for this, but it could mean “a desire to go to sleep”. I have often
experieneced this very unpleasantly.

sonobuoy = an oceanographic device consiting of a buoy with a device that produces a sound tjat cam be
detected far from it, and used to study ocean currents.

5ME sothseyere, one who speaks the truth6
1 a person who professes to foretell the future

The Greek word sophrosyne means something like "prudence," "self-control," or "temperance". In the Phaedrus, Socrates applies the term to the state of mind of those who are able to control their impulses to immediate gratification in the presence of beauty. He contrasts sophrosyne with hubris the loss of control, "shamelessness", or "arrogance" that causes the individual to seek pleasure and gratification regardless of the cost

sopramino - a musical term in two sites only, no clue as to meaning. Similar to soprano, perhaps.

soprano, sorceress, sprites ( recently used to describe vertical lightning at very high altitutes)

pl. 3ses 73scz8 5ModL < Gr sbros, a heap: see SOMA16 a multiple fruit formed by the merging of many flowers into a fleshy mass, as in the mulberry. Nothing to do with lesbians.


adj., adv.
5It, pp. of sostenere < L sustinere, to SUSTAIN6 Musical Direction played at a slower but sustained tempo, with each note held for its full value
pl. 3tos or 3ti 73tc8 a sostenuto passage

soterial theology, of or related to salvation

soteriology - figure it out from the above

5Fr < souffler, to blow: see fol.6 Med. a soft, blowing sound heard on auscultation

ouffl= la8
5Fr < pp. of souffler, to blow < L sufflare, to inflate, blow up, puff out < sub3 (see SUB3) + flare, to BLOW16 made light and puffy in cooking: also souf[fl=ed$ 73flad$8
n.Not a Monca Levinsky specialty.

soulful, soundest,sounding

sourdine - sourd in French means deafness. No definition given in many sites.

soutenu - French = sustained

sovietologist, spade, spadeful,spaghettini,

5< prec.6 a nuclear reaction produced by high-energy projectiles in which two or more fragments or particles, as neutrons or protons, are ejected from the target nucleus

5ME spalle, prob. < or akin to spalden, to chip, split, akin to Ger spalten, to split: see SPOOL6 a flake or chip, esp. of stone
vt., vi.
1 to break up or split
2 to break off in layers parallel to a surface
When Stone Age men made arrow heads, they started by stiking spalls off from a large piec
]of flint. They dug deep shafts into chalk deposits to find the flint.

sparable, spartanize,, spasms, spastic

5ModL spatha < L, a flat blade: see SPADE26 a large, leaflike part or pair of such parts enclosing a flower cluster (esp. a spadix)
spathed 7spa0d8
Back around 450 AD the Spatha was a lightweight Roman cavalry sword that measured roughly a yard long. ...

spacialize, special, specific, spectacular, spectrology