Dear maahey: see the second word:
steer 1
5ME steren < OE stieran, akin to Ger steuern, ON styra < IE *steur3, a support, post (> Gr stauros, ON staurr, post) < base *sta3, to STAND6
1 to guide (a ship or boat) by means of a rudder
2 to direct the course or movement of !to steer an automobile"
3 to oversee, direct, or guide !to steer a team to victory"
4 to set and follow (a course)
1 to steer a ship, automobile, etc.
2 to be steered or guided !a car that steers easily"
3 to set and follow a course or way
>[Colloq.] a suggestion on how to proceed; tip
steer clear of to avoid

steer 2
5ME ster < OE steor, akin to Ger stier < IE *steu-ro (> MPers stor, horse, draft animal) < base *sta3, to STAND6
1 any castrated male cattle
2 loosely, any male cattle raised for beef

There are goodam few uncastrated male bovines raised for meat. They eat more and meat is tough. If you had one, you'd have trouble getting it slaughtered, and nobody would want it.