Chess Players:


Class E: below 1200
Class D: 1200-1399
Class C: 1400-1599
Class B: 1600-1799
Class A: 1800-1999
Expert (Candidate Master): 2000-2199
Master: 2200-2399
Senior Master: 2400+

Go Players:

"In Japanese, Kyu means 'step' and Dan means 'grade'. The idea is that
one must progress through several elementary steps before obtaining a
grade, and that there are several grades.

"Therefore, several steps and grades exist. The scale starts around 30
Kyu (lowest) to 1 Kyu (highest) and then continues with 1 Dan (lowest)
to 7 Dan (highest). In addition, there are professional Dan ranks,
which run from 1 Dan professional (lowest) to 9 Dan professional

From Renzo and Royler Gracie's book "Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu":

The belt system is:
white, blue, purple, brown, black (with various degrees), and finally red.

You could probably also look at education:
pre-k graduates
elementary graduates
middle school graduates
high school graduates
associates degree


cub scouts -> weblos -> boy scouts


(it also doesn't mention weblos and has the order:
cub scouts -> boy scouts -> venturers)

Within boy scouts,

"The Scout rank badge has a brown fleur-de-lis on a greenish-yellow background. The fleur-de-lis symbolizes a compass needle, pointing the Scout in the right direction, which is onward and upward.
The Tenderfoot rank badge has a yellow fleur-de-lis, with a star on each of the two lateral points, an eagle on the center, and a shield on the eagle's chest colored somewhat like the American flag. The stars symbolize truth and knowledge; the eagle and shield symbolize freedom and readiness to defend that freedom.
The Second Class rank badge has a yellow horizontal scroll with the words "Be Prepared," the ends turned up, and a knotted rope hanging from the bottom. This emblem represents service. The upturned ends of the scroll symbolize cheerfulness in service.
The First Class rank badge combines the emblems for Tenderfoot and Second Class.
The Star rank badge has the First Class emblem on top of a yellow star.
The Life rank badge has the First Class emblem on top of a red heart, signifying that the ideals of Scouting have become a part of the Scout's life and character.
The Eagle Scout badge has a grey eagle, and a grey scroll like that on the Second Class emblem. They are on a tricolor background ringed with the words "Eagle Scout: Boy Scouts of America." "

Federal employees have WG, GS, and SES levels (with numbers denoting "grade" differentiating within a category).

I'm sure there's a site somewhere that discusses this.

So you're only interested in linear, progressive taxonomies and not general taxonomies, correct?
