Aw, gee whiz, thanks for the good wishes. I celebrated with a swim at the pool - I'm not courageous enough to chance our cold north Atlantic waters. Doesn't seem to bother the children though!!
It's sunny and warm here and the beach is crowded with happy families swimming, sunning and enjoying picnics. It will be fireworks and ice cream at the beach for many tonight.
I plan to plant myself at the TV to watch, in comfort, the Boston Pops at the traditional Fourth of July concert and fireworks display on the Esplanade in Boston.
They have announced that - for the first time - the Pops will be broadcast live nationwide - 8p.m. on East coast If I heard it right! Check your local listing as it's a great time! The 1812 Overture with real cannon shot off at the appropriate time.
See you there !