A-hrm. I think I'll post something that happened to me on my trip. Before I left, I made up and printed out signs to tape onto the windows of my hire car (still trying to use terminology appropriate to the location). They had a small picture of our flag, and large, bold letters that proclaimed: "Warning--U.S. Driver". Yes, it was as embarrassing as I'd figured it would be, but I still think it was worth the embarrassment. Several times, people would let me over when I discovered belatedly that I needed to change lanes, and who knows how many accidents were avoided because native drivers were on the alert that my car might do something weird.
Anyway--I'd stopped at the Post Office in Upper Greaves, England, to buy some post card stamps. When the clerk told me that the two for Great Britain would be delivered the next day, I said I'd go out to the car, write them, and bring them back to him. When I went back in, another customer was at the window, a local man. I was waiting behind him when he turned to me and said that I might want to change the signs on my car to USA. At that point, he looked at the clerk and both men burst out laughing. I thought for a minute, then said, "Do I want to know why?" Whereupon the man said, "Over here, US means useless".

Thanks for the felicitations, you-all. Family picnic and fireworks tonight!