based on or shaped by the attitude that men‘s concerns, needs, values, etc. are more important than women‘s and should be dominant in society
Phallus erectus conscientiam non habet.
5< Gr proteros, former, compar. of pro, forward (see PRO31) + ZO3 + 3IC6 Precambrian, esp. Late Precambrian: see GEOLOGY, chart
5Early ModE prothocoll < MFr prothocole < ML protocollum < LGr prbtokollon, first leaf glued to a manuscript (describing the contents) < Gr prbto3, PROTO3 + kolla, glue6
1 an original draft or record of a document, negotiation, etc.
2 5Fr protocole6 a) a diplomatic agreement, esp. one that amends, clarifies, or adds to a treaty b) the code of ceremonial forms and courtesies, of precedence, etc. accepted as proper and correct in official dealings, as between heads of states or diplomatic officials
3 a set of rules governing the communication and the transfer of data between machines, as in a computer system
3colled# or 3coled#, 3col#ling or 3col#ing to issue in a protocol
Protoconch pro’to-conch (Gr Proto=first; konche=shell) The embryonic shell of a univalve. It is present in the adult as the apical or nuclear whorls and often demarcated from the teleoconch whorls by a change of sculpture, design, texture or colour. The rudimentary or embryonic shell of a bivalve is called a Prodissoconch.
5PROTO3 + STELE6 a simple, primitive arrangement of conducting tissues in stems and roots of certain lower plants, consisting of a solid cylinder of xylem surrounded by a layer of phloem
provocateur - e.g. agent provocateur = police undercover agent who induces plotters to commit crimes for which they can be prosecuted.
[with sing. v.] the study of how people use and structure space or spatial arrangements in work, personal relations, etc.
5altered (infl. by L) < ME sauter < OE saltere & OFr sautier, both < L psalterium, stringed instrument, in LL(Ec), the Psalms < Gr psaltcrion, harp, in LGr(Ec), the Psalter < psallein, to twitch, pluck6 the Book of Psalms
[also p3] a version of the Psalms for use in religious services
psephology jc8
5< Gr pscphos, pebble (used in voting): see prec. & 3LOGY6the statistical evaluation of election returns or of political polls
pse#pho[log$i[cal 73fb l9j4i k!l, 3f!38
pshent = from Egyptian glossary: [url][/url ]
The Crown of upper and lower Egypt, the red crown and the white crown put together to represent a unified Egypt. Although Egypt was not always a unified nation it was stronger that way. Therefore unification was desirable. Narmer (Menes), the founder of the First Dynasty around 3100 B.C., was the first man recorded wearing this crown
Psilophyton is a genus of trimerophytes, the early land plant group that we think is derived from the rhyniophytes and which we believe gave rise to most of the later vascular plant groups (except the lycopods), including the ferns, horsetails and progymnosperms. Progymnosperms in turn gave rise to the seed plants, including, ultimately angiosperms. There are a variety of species of Psilophyton that vary in features of their branching and presence or absence of enations, and other characters. Here you see P. dapsile, which is characterized by smooth axes lacking enations.
psittacism - parroting words, repeating them without comprehension
n. temporary sighting of soul separate from body.
From and for weirdos.
5< Gr ptyalon, spittle < ptyein, to spit (of echoic orig.) + 3IN16 an amylase in the saliva of humans and some other animals that converts starch into various dextrins and maltose
pudibund - ashamed, bashful, modest
pshent = from Egyptian glossary: [url][/url ]
The Crown of upper and lower Egypt, the red crown and the white crown put together to represent a unified Egypt. Although Egypt was not always a unified nation it was stronger that way. Therefore unification was desirable. Narmer (Menes), the founder of the First Dynasty around 3100 B.C., was the first man recorded wearing this crown
Psilophyton is a genus of trimerophytes, the early land plant group that we think is derived from the rhyniophytes and which we believe gave rise to most of the later vascular plant groups (except the lycopods), including the ferns, horsetails and progymnosperms. Progymnosperms in turn gave rise to the seed plants, including, ultimately angiosperms. There are a variety of species of Psilophyton that vary in features of their branching and presence or absence of enations, and other characters. Here you see P. dapsile, which is characterized by smooth axes lacking enations.
psittacism - parroting words, repeating them without comprehension
n. temporary sighting of soul separate from body.
From and for weirdos.
5< Gr ptyalon, spittle < ptyein, to spit (of echoic orig.) + 3IN16 an amylase in the saliva of humans and some other animals that converts starch into various dextrins and maltose
pudibund - ashamed, bashful, modest