Dear BA: I think it is just an encapsulation of the wisdom of adults hoping to ebciyrage cgukdreb to be caustious.
A feeble minded man went into a saw-mill, and was puzzled by the blur of the teeth on the periphery of the huge circular saw. He put out a finger, and toughed the blur. ZZZt went the tip of his finger. He screamed, and the foreman came running, and demanded:"What did you do?"
"I just put out my finger....ZZZZt...There goes the other one!"
The only curiosity I remember seeing a cat show was tatching raindrops pun changing courses down a window pane, and trying to stop them with her paws. Fortunately no ZZZt to that.I also had a cat that in the middle of the night used to jump onto the piano keys repeatedly. Fortunately fir ger I was fond enough of her not to cut her off in the middle of her cadenza.