oh, come on Dr Bill, the same sort of discussion has been going on here in US, where any number of states have laws against 'sodomy'- and the best defination of sodomy given in any of the laws, is "unnatural acts" (which means? what cutting down trees?)

there is a strong puritan streak in US, and there are some really unsafe sexual practices.. but to make them illegal between consenting adults in the privacy of their own homes is pretty intrusive.

you have been known to make comments on oral sex, (i still remember the first time i heard the words cunnilingus and felatio!) well, in the vague anti sodomy laws, these acts too, are outlawed- even between husband and wife!

for a time in the late sixties, it was common enough for kids to were sweatshirts with big 69's on the front.. and its common enough to know what that meant.. and the world didn't fall apart!

'bloody hell' isn't much of curse here in US, but its nasty enough language in UK (or was)-- if bugger is has become an acceptable word, then let it be.
words only have the power we invest in them! if the Kiwi's don't have any problem with it.. so be it!