"Sweet bugger all" is a gen-yew-wine Zild expression, not often heard even across the ditch. The fact that Katherine Rich used it surprises me not at all. The fact that Fat Jack Hunt tried to suppress it surprises me not at all. The fact that he won't succeed (and here I accede wholeheartedly to sjm's opinion) will surprise me not at all. If he did succeed I would be very surprised.

The word "bugger" in Zildish English has absolutely none of the connotations that wwh seems so keen to pursue. Like f*ck, it can be used as an endearment or a curse, a mild epithet or the most vicious abuse. As sjm also mentioned, there is a TV ad for Toyota utility vehicles (which may or may not still be running) in which the only two words uttered throughout the entire 30 seconds of its length are "bugger" and "me".

The rest of the world may not like it, but I'll be buggered if I change the way I speak for the entire pack of intolerant buggers!