strange new words I relish
like nectar or tonic
I now know my line printer
is boustrophedonic

Yes! Thank you, M.

Here's what A.W.A.D. had for meander:
Date: Sun Oct 31 00:03:29 EDT 1999
Subject: A.Word.A.Day--meander
X-Bonus: The quiet and solitary man apprehends the inscrutable. He seeks nothing, holds to the mean, and remains free from entanglements. -I Ching (BCE 1150?)

meander (mee-AN-duhr) verb intr.

1. To follow a winding and turning course.

2. To move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction.


1. meanders. Circuitous windings or sinuosities, as of a stream or path.

2. Often meanders. A circuitous journey or excursion; ramble.

3. The Greek fret or key pattern, used in art and architecture.

[From Latin maeander, circuitous windings, from Greek maiandros after the
Maeander River in Phrygia.]

Hmm--the more common meaning of meander certainly carries the connotation of no set pattern. Perhaps that codex thing refers to def. 3 above, which I may say I had not known.