I think there are two things being thought about here: honest ignorance, and "argument by pointing out someone else's ignorance" as a means of obtaining or sustaining a place in the pecking order.
1. nothing wrong with honest ignorance. that means not knowing something because you've never had the experience to deal with it. ignorance because you think you know it already and don't want to deal with having to learn something new is not honest, and therefore is un-acceptable.
wisdom subpoint-one can be wise without necessarily being intelligent. experience can beget wisdom, at least for certain situations. and intelligence does in no way guarantee wisdom. lots of stupid smart people out there.
2. Pecking order. we do so many things throughout our lives(well, at least I do) based upon what people will think, and where it will place us in the social strata. who's around, what should I say, etc. one of the easiest ways(we think) is to knock other people down to stay up. humans aren't wise as a species; we don't yet understand that cooperation benefits all...
anyway, a lot of this repeats what has already been said, but i needed to express a bit to get the thoughts flowing...
lots to chew on, thanks, Fiend.