I agree with the sentiment, at least. I crossposted the following onto rec.org.mensa a few years ago. For reference: m.w is misc.writing. And, yes, I 'know' I misspelled 'rapport'! Most of it's a build up to the penultimate paragraph. Finally, yes, I know that many would quibble over whether commicating over the net qualifies as conversation.

Wrote this over on m.w. Got a few favorable responses.
At the risk of being labeled a spammer, troglodyte, or
worse, thought I'ld xpost it here as well.

[ Article crossposted from misc.writing ]
[ Author was keith green (simctr) ]
[ Posted on 8 Sep 1995 01:18:05 GMT ]

Only been on this group a few months.

The 'problem' of voluminous off-topic (and occasionally rude) posts
is one that has increased radically over the last few years in almost
every other group, and it's unsurprising to see that m.w has the same
'problem'. (But it's always existed in lesser degree for as long as
I can remember.)

The very best way to keep things on-topic is to compose intelligent,
interesting, well-written posts that are on-topic. When people post
things that you don't find interesting, just don't follow up. The
very best way to raise the caliber of the posts you read is to raise
the caliber of the posts you write.

Will it eliminate the problem? No. Will it help? I think so.
Moreover, it's the ONLY thing I've ever noticed to have a significant
effect on unmoderated groups.

But bear in mind that people use this medium both for its informational
value and its entertainment value. It's fun - at least for me - to 'talk'
about writing even when it doesn't pertain to anything I'm immediately
working on. Books of our childhoods, oxymorons, use of spell-checkers,
favorite poems, etc., are voluminous because they're interesting - at least
to some people.


Proceed at your own risk. Your brain could explode from reading
this off topic gibberish. Your house could become haunted, your
spouse barren, your lawn overcome with crabgrass. Please read
no further, if you find off topic posts disinteresting.

From the time I read my first post over the net, I've been fascinated -
infatuated, even - by the conversational, utterly unclinical nature of
the forum. God, I love this place!

I think other people love it, too.

Some people like to meet other people - that's fun, too - not just meet
them, but MEET them - get to know them, develop a repoire, and all that
silly stuff. Some want relaxation from a hectic day. Some want
excitement from a boring day. Others still are looking for recognition.
Some just wanna talk. Some just want to show off. Some want to be helpful.
Some want to be helped. Some are on a crusade. Some are out to get
saved. Several are just looking to show how superior they are. Many have
an axe to grind (and will never hesitate to throw out a barb they know
will lead into an off topic discussion). Many just wanna be part of 'it'.
And many are just bored and lookin' fer somethin' ta do.

And you will find every single one of these personalities in almost
every newsgroup - different names, different individuals, but
uncannily similar personalities.


I really think that most people just wanna have a conversation.

We seem to have lost the art of conversation somewhere along the wayside.
Maybe we don't have time for it or maybe we just forgot how.
And I think many of us miss it and we're conspiring (consciously or
subconsciously, I'm not certain) to bring it back. We all want to
be part of that conversation - that Great Conversation that those
philosopher guys keep referring to - but we don't quite know how.
[Maybe that's what the Great Link symbolizes in DS-9? Nyaa.]

[P.S. I don't think the real reason people get annoyed is because
they have to wade through so much 'garbage' to find their 'pearls'.]

My employers disagree with everything I say, keith green, nan
write, think, believe, feel, do, or plan to do. <kgreen@ida.org>
