apotemnophilia: a paraphilic fixation of the stigmatic/eligibilic type in which sexuoerotic arousal and facilitation or attainment of orgasm are responsive to and contingent on being oneself an amputee [from Greek, apo, from + temnein, to cut + -philia]. An apotemnophile becomes fixated on carrying out a self-contrived amputation, or obtaining one in a hospital. It is accompanied by obsessional scheming to get one or more limbs amputated. The reciprocal paraphilic condition in which the partner is an amputee is acrotomophilia or acrotmetophilia (the liking of an amputated extremity); the condition of sexuoerotic arousal being contingent on having an amputee partner, or fantasizing about an amputee, in order to obtain erotic arousal and facilitate or achieve orgasm.