> But definitely can't see my Professor taking the test; he already knows the answers

Not unless he's taking it to the front of the classroom after you've finished taking it ;-) Most would take a test but sit an exam - perhaps it simply has something to do with the alliterative poetry of taking tests - but I may be wrong. Exams are usually 'held' which probably wouldn't be the case with a test. 'Setting' a test would suggest someone appointing the test date in my mind. So.. 'My Math professor has set a test *for next week'. When 'giving' is used a reflexive 'us' or 'me' is usually added though, for if this isn't included (as dxb hints is also the case with take), a sense of choice is implied. Eitherway - Anchita's husband is most definitely looking at a long walk back to the invigilator with an emtpy answer sheet [g].