I am *still reading this and I think, I shall give this whole contranym story a wide berth.

The two words that I agree completely, with no confusion at all, in tsuwm's link to the past, were 'overlook and revel'.

This thread got me thinking about what words mean to each one of us and how we relate to them. Some people immediately connect to the fun with words, like many of the frequent posters in the Wordplay and fun corner. Word fun comes so easy to all of them and they are able to play games with words too very well. Me, I struggle with this. Give me a word game and I will sit down with pen and paper and crinkle my forehead and be industious about the acitivity,w which is not the point of the game at all![very big sigh] But, I ENJOY words, I like to dissect them, and the element of words that appeals most to me is the sentiment that they convey. When confronted with metaphors, I am at my happiest. What is it like with you?

EDIT: Thanks, eta! Lovely link!