For me,
@ is the AT symbol (first learned in math class, (how much would you need to purchace a 3 lb bag of apples if they sell 1lb. @ 73cent..(and you use the word at when you see the symbol)

# was the number symbol, but the telephone company instist on calling it a "pound" symbol, and i have learned here it is also called Octothorp!

$ US dollar symbol

% Percent symbol

^ carot --use as accent mark, and in Math (excel programing) to indicate an exponent. In editing, it could mean "insert"

& Ampersand -is the name, and it "reads" as and, ie, Johnson & Sons= Johnson and Sons. this was discussed, it might come from a rote teaching style, as
A as in apple
b as in boy
with the symbol being
& as per AND,

* Atrerix (from the latin for star, a little star)

( Parens -- a pair ( ) would be parenthesis with various uses in text and Math

| is the Pipe symbol..and it is used in Programing.

: colon and ; semi -colon...

< and > are either arrow points (pointers) or greater than/less than symbols... depending on whether its is text or numbers..

? is technically an interogitive-- but i never call it that... it is a question mark

! is an exclamation mark

[ ] are brackets,
{ } are braces!

/ \ are slashes,

- - are dashes!

~ is a tilde

there are one or two others on a standard keyboard, and many more in the Character set...