>anal retentive<
Freudian, i think, to describe people who have never, in some ways moved past the issues they had with parents (mothers) about toilet training.

From a 2 years perspective, he/she can make mother happy by moving his/her bowels. by tightening up, and withholding, he/she can exersize some control over parent.. (but it is a sort of cut of your nose to spite your face action--even though analogy is from the other end of the anatomy)
Freud speculated that some people got stuck in mode of behavior that was akin to a 2 year old being anal retentive-- withholding normal functions and emotions, in order to try to control the emtions of other.

on the other end of the alimentary canal, mouth and lip, are used to describe people who often break (as least verbally) with authority. (wise mouth, "don't give me any lip, she (he) got lippy with me)