> I would say not.

I don't think so either - according to the people at mullet site, the hair has got to be at least 3x as long at the back as any where else if you want your mullet to be taken seriously. What we can see in the picture is problably best described as a 'mop' or mop-like hairstyle (sorry David, ...and Michelangelo).
It really is a quite extraordinary sculpture in the flesh, .. er marble; it doesn't surprise me that it maintains it's popularity to this day. If you were to try to reenact David's evident triumph in practical day wear, then you'd probably get more than a few sideways looks, and if you were to stand around like that, you'd likely be called a poser or a little on the effeminate side.
Praise the abstraction - abhor its reality, paint bowls of scrupulously clean fruit unwittingly distilling biophobic zeitgeist ... ah I love this world .. let's turn off the telly and go to Disney Land and then Las Vegas!