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AWADmail Issue 725A Weekly Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day and Tidbits about Words and Language
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)
Five Lost Languages Rediscovered in Massachusetts
Everyday Words That Make You Go ‘Ew’
Puzzling for Learning: A Crossed Stick, a Cross Tick, Acrostic
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org) What was common in last week’s words (senescence, tromometer, happenchance, natant, succus)? Each letter appears an even number of times in a word. You can say the letters ‘reappear’. More than 900 readers took part in the contest. The winners are: The first person to send the correct answer: Allen K. Robinson from Charlottesville, Virginia (djallenk gmail.com) A reader randomly selected from all correct answers: Linda Yechiel from Rishon LeZion, Israel (englishwithlinda gmail.com) They receive their choice of a signed copy of any of my books or the word game One Up!. I wrote a Perl program to find words with doubled letters. Only about 0.06 percent of words in the English language have this property. But most of even those few words didn’t make the cut for AWAD for one or more reasons: Either they are everyday words (appall, reappear, pullup, teammate), show this property in a plural form (hotshots, intestines, sniffinesses) or non-infinitive or other suffixed/prefixed forms (arraigning, appeases, unprosperousness), or they are too obvious (murmur, lulu, redder), etc. Thanks to everyone for participating! Read on for some of the other answers: DAY 1: senescence
Most common: Words that use only one of the vowels. Also common: Words with letters that contain neither ascenders or descenders.
That’s correct, but can you say it in English?: Each word this week will
contain n number of letters, where n is an even number and the word contains
n/2 pairs of identical letters.
Are you missing something?: All consonants are used twice.
Can you simplify it?: All consonants and vowels appear in pairs.
Huh?: If you scramble up the letters, you can still spell the same word.
Huh??: Are they all botanical words?
How?: The words are related to the movie “Beetlejuice”. DAY 2: senescence, tromometer
Words having to do with Japan -- aging and prone to earthquakes.
The words in this week’s theme have two pairs of the same two letters: DAY 3: senescence, tromometer, happenchance
Words are connected in that they all “lost” their fights against other
words with the same meaning and hence fell into disuse
(e.g. happenchance -> happenstance, tromometer -> seismometer).
Each successive word contains one more unique letter than the preceding one:
This week’s words do not have anything in common; however, the thoughts
at the bottom of each page were said by people whose birthday was the
same as the day the thoughts were quoted on your “Word of the Day” page. DAY 4: senescence, tromometer, happenchance, natant
The words have a vowel in each syllable.
Trying too hard to fit the curve: All the words are nouns formed from
other words denoting acts/states of change, fluidity, movement. DAY 5: senescence, tromometer, happenchance, natant, succus
Trying too hard to fit the curve too: The words describe the life cycle of
a man from conception to old age. We are a happenchance fertilization of
an egg, float in the womb, are born via a ‘tremor’ and grow old from there.
The words have no el (noel).
Honorable mention: I was struck by how many different ways the same thing can be said. A few examples:
Every letter in each word has a “twin” elsewhere in the word.
They are anagrams of another word twice. That is, “senescence” is “scene”
twice, rearranged.
The words of this week can be split into two halves with each part having
exactly the same letters.
I’m seeing double! Two of everything..and in the case of senescence,
double double vision!
Words in which each letter has its own double.
None of the words has a lonely letter.
The words contain a small number of different letters, but the words
become longer by repeating each of those letters one time.
For every word, for each letter in the word, there is a corresponding
equal occurrence of that letter elsewhere in the word.
Tthhiiss wweeeekk’ss tthheemmee iiss wwoorrddss ffoorrrmmeedd
eexxcclluussiivveellyy wwiitthh lleetteerr ppaaiirrss. A fair number of readers sent the answer that the words had doubled vowels and as many suggested that the words had doubled consonants. If you are one of them, don’t feel bad. It happens to all of us. The story goes that Newton, one of the greatest minds in history, had two holes made in his door: one for his cat and a smaller one for the kitten.
From: Jeanette Horn (jeanetteconstancehorn gmail.com) My introduction to “senescence” was in one of Ogden Nash’s delightful verses:
Senescence begins And middle age ends The day your descendants Outnumber your friends.
Jeanette Horn, Lanseria, South Africa
From: George Simons (diversophy gmail.com) Now that I have reached the age of 25 (that’s in Celsius... in Fahrenheit, I’m 78), I have become concerned about the depletion implied in “senior” as it is used today rather than the fullness of age and dignity in earlier usages and derivatives. I find it worth noting that in France where I live someone has coined the term “plenior”, which is a more satisfying replacement.
George Simons, Mandelieu-la-Napoule, France
From: Pam Krumm (pkrumm1 gmail.com) I was speaking with my 15-year-old grandson this morning about yesterday’s word, senescence. I asked him if he knew what it meant and he asked me to use it in a senescence for him.
Pam Krumm, Newberg, Portland
From: Dr. G. Nadarajan (dr.g.nadarajan gmail.com) Yes as medical students in biochemical labs, we were instructed to “drain the supernatant fluid off.”
Dr. G. Nadarajan, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
From: Robert Wasko (rmwasko aol.com) As I was eating couscous and mahimahi with tartar sauce I began to murmur to myself what a dodo I had been not to see that many reduplicatives contain exact pairs of letters as do this week’s words. My face turned redder when I realized that some palindromes also have exact pairs, like today’s word succus.
Robert Wasko, Brooklyn, New York
From: Dharam Khalsa (dharamkk2 gmail.com)
Dharam Khalsa, Espanola, New Mexico
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)
“A prescription for antidepressants
The woman, reclined on the chaise
‘Cross a crowded room or at a dance,
If asked in a room for consent,
Donald Trump is alarmingly raucous,
From: Phil Graham (pgraham1946 cox.net) To Jahweh, the odor of a burning sacrifice was a senescence. When his mother-in-law shows up, dad gets so mad he wants to tromometer. General H.H. Arnold’s trips to Las Vegas could be called Hap’n’chance. Irish Priest: “I natant remind ye ‘tis a sin to swim on the Sabbath.” A black hole would fluidly succus in.
Phil Graham, Tulsa, Oklahoma
A word in a dictionary is very much like a car in a mammoth motorshow --
full of potential, but temporarily inactive. -Anthony Burgess, author
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