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AWADmail Issue 703A Weekly Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day and Tidbits about Words and LanguageSponsor’s Message: Are you looking for a wicked smart way to one up your know-it-all in-laws and annoy the entire family this Christmas? Email of the Week winner, Robert Copeland (see below), as well as wordlovers near and far will love/hate playing our machiavellian game. Cutthroat 2 for $25 special, through midnight tonight. Guaranteed to ruin the holidays for everyone.
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)
How Immigration Changes Language
‘The Tag of Her Earlobe That Died’ from Lord and Taylor
From: BJ Premore (bj premore.net) Today (Dec 14) is National Bouillabaisse Day, too! (Really!) Good choice of word for the day.
BJ Premore, Lebanon, New Hampshire
From: Hope Bucher (hopebucher gmail.com) My father was truly a life-long learner. His knowledge, having read the entire collection of the Books of Knowledge at the local library when he was in 6th grade, was legendary in our family. When he retired, before my mother, he decided to become the chef although he had never before in his life cooked anything. Because he had read that the ancient Greeks had a fish stew which was similar to bouillabaisse and because he lived on the water of the Atlantic coast, he selected bouillabaisse as his first meal to prepare. It was to be a surprise for my mother. Horrified, not surprised, describes my mother’s reaction as she walked into her kitchen and saw all surfaces, including the floor, strewn with bits and pieces of every imaginable kind of fish and entrails. In my mother’s view, her kitchen met the second definition - a mixture of incongruous things!
Hope Bucher, Naperville, Illinois
From: Anita Schou (anitaschou216 gmail.com) Bouillabaisse? Here comes more Provençal cuisine. The “Moderate” (right-oriented) Prime Minister of Sweden, Carl Bildt, called when his government was in charge, the coalition between Green politicians (environmentalists) and Red politicians (socialists) for a real “ Ratatouille”!
Anita Schou, Stockholm, Sweden
From: Lukasz Daciuk (lukasz.daciuk gmail.com) ‘Cause I am of a technical background, today’s word reminds of a cherry picker, a colloquial term for a MEWP (Mobile Elevated Work Platform) -- a machine used on construction sites to work at height.
Lukasz Daciuk, Athlone, Ireland
From: Rik Claesson (didrikc aol.com) In my youth I played hockey and the forwards that positioned themselves near center ice for clearing passes were considered to be cherry pickers because they often could go forward with the puck and the defensemen would end up behind them instead of in front of them providing them with an easier chance to score. This was in the early sixties and it was quite common among hockey players.
Didrik Claesson, Torna Hallestad, Sweden
From: Robert Copeland (rmc geneva.edu) When both our budget and our children were small, the children would sometimes rebel against eating “leftovers”. So we started calling them rechauffe and voila, this had some class; all three kids enjoyed eating something with a French name.
Robert Copeland, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania
From: Solita Arango de Figueroa (solitarfig gmail.com) First of all, I must tell you that I enjoy immensely A.Word.A.Day, which has taught me many things. In Colombia we simply call “calentado” (heated) the leftovers that we eat at breakfast.
Solita Arango de Figueroa, Colombia
From: Barb Bassette (barb.bassette gmail.com)
A THOUGHT FOR TODAY: The universe is made of stories, not of atoms. -Muriel Rukeyser, poet and activist (15 Dec 1913-1980) Tuesday’s quotation was a delight to read. My husband is a mechanical engineer by training but has worked with scientists in physics and space sciences at Cornell for all of his working life. He is a scientist at heart and so has always believed in those atoms mentioned. I taught English for 33 years, and am still subbing to contribute to and to stay connected to the stories of people’s lives. The struggle between stories and atoms and how we look at and use those two have been at the center of many of our conversations and beliefs. When I emailed my husband the quotation and my amazement at it, “Atoms or stories? Our decades old dilemma. Science v. English.” He replied, “I just like to think about it as the more you know, the more the atoms tell their stories.” Thank you for giving us a wonderful quotation to settle our differences -- at least for a day!
Barb Bassette, Ithaca, New York
From: Val Nicasio Martinez (val-nicasio_mtz kastanet.org) You wrote on Monday, “Food is, literally, a matter of life. No wonder, it’s also a metaphor for life.” In my husband’s first language, Quiatoni Zapotec (spoken by 12,000 people in southern Mexico), “life” and “food” are literally the same word. (There are different words for “food”, but one is exactly the same as the word for “life”.)
Valerie Martinez, Huron, Ohio
From: Dharam Khalsa (dharamkk2 windstream.net)
Dharam Khalsa, Espanola, New Mexico
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)
Republicans face quite a bouillabaisse
-Steve Benko, New York, New York (stevebenko1 gmail.com)
Now is the time to be politic.
-Anne Thomas, Sedona, Arizona (antom earthlink.net)
Foolish leaders may often suppose
-Zelda Dvoretzky, Haifa, Israel (zeldahaifa gmail.com)
Now Jessie and Essie her twin,
-Joan Perrin, Port Jefferson Station, New York (perrinjoan aol.com)
The life of Othello did Iago
-Steve Benko, New York, New York (stevebenko1 gmail.com)
From: Phil Graham (pgraham1946 cox.net) “I praised your building’s apex but I gotta bouillabaisse.” Lifting a wallet from someone is best done as a chary pick. When Ms. Dunaway arrived, the director said to Mr. Milland, “Rechauffe her dressing room.” There was nothing sweet about Saccharine Vanzetti. “Crew, you’ll see a melange of oddities farrago where no man has gone before.” -Capt. Kirk
Phil Graham, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Dictionary: The universe in alphabetical order. -Anatole France, novelist,
essayist, Nobel laureate (1844-1924)
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