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AWADmail Issue 683A Weekly Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day and Tidbits about Words and Language
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From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)
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From: John E. Maroney (johnmaroney earthlink.net) When L.L. Zamenhof was constructing Esperanto, he felt this expression was important enough to transfer (almost) directly into the Esperanto vocabulary:
tohuvabohuo (noun): state of primordial confusion ... and so on through adverbial and various verbal forms.
John E. Maroney, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
From: Dicky Love (jrlove gmail.com) This word threw me back to a 40-year-old grad school memory which made me laugh. Thank you. Tohubohu is an English transliteration of the Hebrew from Genesis 1:2-toe-who-vuh-bo-who. The Hebrew translates in most English versions as “formless and void” or something of the sort. The words describe the nothingness from which God created everything, at least according to Genesis 1. These words were also the basis of an award given (quite tongue-in-cheek at an off-the-record senior gathering) at the grad school I attended. The TOE-WHO-VUH-BO-WHO award was given to the graduate student who wrote papers using the most words based on the least amount of information, thus creating the most verbose “something” from a lot of “nothing”. It was not a compliment. I think of this award almost every day in the around-the-clock news reports. I watch a piece and think: “Toe-Who-Vuh-Bo-Who”. They just waded into a void and put together a lot of words from nothing. Thank you for the memory,
J. Richard Love, Ruston, Louisiana
From: Jim Tang (mauijt aol.com) The one-word English definition for tohubohu might be entropy. And your example is a small-scale demonstration of how life works, starting with the Big Bang. It’s a miracle.
Jim Tang, Kula, Hawaii
From: Freda Keet (fredak netvision.net.il) As an Israeli and therefore regular speaker of Hebrew may I take issue with your identification of the word Tohubohu! Far from being first used in the sixteen hundreds, this is in fact the expression first used in the Hebrew Bible, the first line of the first book of Genesis when the “heavens and the earth” were created and the Earth, in immortal words was described as “without form and void”. In other words, dark and chaotic...the meaning of the word “tohubohu”!
Freda Keet, Herzliyya, Israel
We list the earliest documented date of the word in English. The Book
of Genesis was written in Hebrew.
-Anu Garg
From: Charlie Rose (ros5e t-online.de) You wrote: Hebrew is not your typical language. It has 22 letters, all consonants. No vowels. No capital letters. And it’s written from right to left. My question, then, is: For the word “tohubohu”, when it’s written in Hebrew, how is one to know if the pronunciation should not be TEE-hay-bee-hay, or something else? All this supports my contention that the human mind is completely incapable of inventing a logical, consistent, and rational language!
Charlie Rose, Oberaudorf, Germany
We are transcribing the Hebrew word in the English language so we have
to show the sounds, but when a word is written in Hebrew it doesn’t
include vowels. For example, if “book” were a word in Hebrew, you’d
write it as “bk”. So how do we know how to pronounce a word? A language
is primarily an oral medium and passed from generation to generation.
When there were breaks in the oral tradition of Hebrew, a system of
dots above and below the letters was employed to indicate pronunciations.
-Anu Garg
From: Richard S. Russell (RichardSRussell tds.net) That absence of vowels means that nobody really has a clue how the ancient Israelites pronounced their words. In The Cartoon History of the Universe, Larry Gonick speculates about the tetragrammaton , the character string YHWH, the name of God, which nobody is supposed to say out loud. Today, Gonick notes, it’s generally rendered in English as “Yahweh”, but he goes on to say that, for all we know, the people of Moses’s time pronounced it “Yahoo-Wahoo”. As his cartoon avatar engages in this speculation, he’s zapped by a lightning bolt, leaving him scorched and questioning himself “Yahoo-Wahoo?”.
Richard S. Russell, Madison, Wisconsin
From: Max Montel (maxmontel yahoo.com)
From Hebrew tohu wa-bhohu, from tohu (formlessness) and bhohu
(emptiness). Earliest documented use: 1619.
Tohu -- formlessness. Any chance it’s related to tofu -- flavorlessness? (A joke, I’m mostly vegetarian and eat tofu regularly, but one of its great virtues is its ability to take on the flavor of whatever it’s cooked in or with.)
Max Montel, Los Angeles, California
From: Denise Kuehner (dmk16 columbia.edu) Subject: behemoth In 1993, a controversy at the University of Pennsylvania involving the definition of the word “behemoth” escalated to the level of the White House. A student shouted “Shut up, you water buffalo” at a crowd of mostly black sorority sisters who were making a noise outside his dorm. The university accused him of racial harassment, but he defended his comment by maintaining that “water buffalo” came from “behemoth”, Hebrew slang for “a loud or rowdy person”. The incident became national news, and nearly derailed the career of the university’s president, who was being considered for the chairmanship of the National Endowment for the Humanities. The lawsuits and press coverage led to heated debates about free speech and hate speech, and permanent changes in university policies.
Denise Kuehner, Old Tappan, New Jersey
From: Samuel Goldstein (samuelg fogbound.net) As you mentioned, Gehenna was a place where (according to biblical sources) the Canaanites performed human sacrifice -- a shallow valley outside the old city of Jerusalem. In the 80s, I visited my sister who lived not far from there, and she indicated a parking lot and noted that it’s the commonly agreed upon location for the events described in the book of Chronicles. I made a point of walking over to it, so I could honestly tell people that my travels had included “going to Gehenna and back”.
Samuel Goldstein, Los Angeles, California
From: Tali Avishai (tal_miqa zahav.net.il) In Rudyard Kipling’s poem, “The Winners” (The concluding moral of “The story of the Gadsbys”), the final lines are:
“Down to Gehenna or up to the throne,
Tali Avishay, Jerusalem, Israel
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)
Books tell of an overgrown crow who
-Anne Thomas, Sedona, Arizona (antom earthlink.net)
A job with a corporate behemoth
-Steve Benko, New York, New York (stevebenko1 gmail.com)
Samson was a leviathan,
-Joan Perrin, Port Jefferson Station, New York (perrinjoan aol.com)
The Lord saved from starvation with manna
-Zelda Dvoretzky, Haifa, Israel (zeldahaifa gmail.com)
“The mind is a private gehenna,”
-Steve Benko, New York, New York (stevebenko1 gmail.com)
From: Phil Graham (pgraham1946 cox.net) The New Zealand winemaker said, “Someone’s muddled our Tohu, bo’ who? Shaquille O’Neal didn’t look that big from the 2nd balcony, behemoth have weighed 350! The 49er denim maker said, “I’d rather be known as Leviathan Strauss.” If the Hebrews had been Italian, would God have provided mannacotti? Heard at the beauty salon: “No, when I gehenna I look like hell!”
Phil Graham, Tulsa, Oklahoma
The strength of a language does not lie in rejecting what is foreign but in
assimilating it. -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, poet, dramatist, novelist, and
philosopher (1749-1832)
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