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AWADmail Issue 611A Weekly Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day and Tidbits about Words and Language
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)
Elephants Can Tell Difference Between Human Languages
What is a Foreign Language Worth?
Eight Pronunciation Errors That Made the English Language What It is Today
"Bestie" and "Bathroom Break" Among Newly Added Words to Oxford English Dictionary
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org) The contest invited readers to re-define the word featured this week using 20 letters. The best part of the contest was reading so many creative entries. The hard part was having to select winners from so many excellent entries. The winners, in no particular order, are:
polyphiloprogenitive: Missing the organ stops
secret of Polichinelle: Secret whispered aloud
Silk-stocking district: Home for the One Percent
They will receive their choice of any of these prizes: Thanks to all the readers who took part in the contest by sending 20-letter definitions of the words. Did you notice, the term "twenty characters long" itself is 20 letters long? Some readers misinterpreted the instructions: a few sent their own 20-letter words, some interpreted the contest to mean 20 letters or fewer, some sent anagrams of the words, one reader sent 20-word definitions, and so on. Read on for a selection of the entries that were, in fact, 20 letters long.
Five score and many more
Procreating ad nauseam
Rabbits making rabbits
"I do not know when to stop!"
Enough kids to fill a bus
Babies, babies, mo' babies
Octomom is famous for it
Producing in abundance
Too many kids to count, OK?
Hyperbolic creativity
Having a lot of children
Really no Justin Bieber
Obverse of Honey Boo Boo
Master goodie two-shoes
Too-good-to-be-true child
Precious kid (too much so)
Young Ms Shirley Temple
Mole out of the mountain
Calling a spade a person
Calling an "it" by "he" or "she"
Making human what is not
Humanizing inanimates
Flopsy, Mopsy, Peter, et al
Make a man out of the mole
Making dogs like people
Fido takes Jim for a walk
Pretending it's a person
Where 100% are the top 1%
No-runs-hosiery Heights
Home to upper-class folk
Enclave of the affluent
No home to the hoi polloi
Hoity toity area of town
Silver spoons district
Where Richie Rich lives
Upper East Side, New York
What a Vanderbilt built
A gentrified community
Area where fat cats live
Where privilege abides
It is Beverly Hills 90210, baby!
John J. Astor and friends
One percent; no poor folk
Donald Trump lives here
A borough of the richest
The county of the bounty
The turf of the non-serfs
Ain't yaw ilk, we're in silk.
Who does not know? Nobody.
Betty Feinberg, Tucson, Arizona (bgfeinberg cox.net)
The not-so-secret secretGordon Havens, Independence, Missouri (gordonhavens hotmail.com)
Edward Snowden private
Hiding in a glass closet
The elephant in the room
You didn't hear it from me
I know you know, don't tell
Known only to everybody
Really, there is no santa
FDR's invalidism, for one
There never were any WMD
From: Gordon Havens (gordonhavens hotmail.com)
Free verse: A poetic game
Anu's AWAD competitions:
Gordon Havens, Independence, Missouri
From: Ted Drachman (TLDrach gmail.com) A double dactyl from John Hollander & Anthony Hecht's delightful collection of the light verse form, Jiggery-Pokery. From memory:
Higamous, Hogamous
What was it now? Poly- Absent my copy of the collection, I do not remember the double dactyl's author. The poem referred to in the verse is Eliot's "Mr. Eliot's Sunday Morning Service" in which he seemingly coined the word by adding "poly" to the already existent "philoprogenitive."
Ted Drachman, New York, New York
From: George Cowgill (cowgill asu.edu) I have always understood "Little Lord Fauntleroy" to mean a conceited self-important spoiled brat. Not a complimentary term.
George Cowgill, Tempe, Arizona
From: Deborah Pate (deborah.pate seattle.gov) I lived in a company town in Washington State and we had a street referred to as Silk Stocking Row. The houses in this row were assigned to supervisors, managers, and out-of-town VIPs from city government back in the day. The house assignments are no longer adhered to, but the name Silk Stocking Row has continued on.
Deborah Pate, Rockport, Washington
From: Damiana Covre (damianacovre gmail.com) Being Italian I was very pleased to see this term and I can confirm that in Italian the expression (which in Italian is "Il segreto di Pulcinella") is widely used.
Damiana Covre, Veneto, Italy
From: John Wolcott (j.wolcott olayangroup.com) Hard to believe it's been twenty years, but you should know that we readers are well aware all that BS&T have been gifts offered daily to all of us who open up the email hoping, among all the day's crises, for a modicum of education, entertainment, and the sheer joy of words (and this from a CPA, go figure). Thank you!
John O. Wolcott, Darien, Connecticut
From: Irving N. Webster-Berlin (awadreviewsongs gmail.com) Here are this week's AWAD Review Songs (words and recordings) for your listening and viewing pleasure.
Irving N. Webster-Berlin, Sacramento, California
Time changes all things: there is no reason why language should escape this
universal law. -Ferdinand de Saussure, linguist (1857-1913)
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