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AWADmail Issue 475A Weekly Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day and Tidbits about Words and Language
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org) Last week's contest was to identify the commonality in the week's words: oeNOPhile, inteRSTitial, STUpefy, DEFalcate, and soMNOlence. All those words have three consecutive letters from the alphabet appearing consecutively. Only about 0.9% of words in the English language have that property. The fiRST one to send correct answer was aSTUte reader Carolyn Gilbert (carolynjgilbert gmail.com) of Auckland, New Zealand. She sent her answer within an hour of receiving the first word. A reader randomly selected from all correct answers was David Blagg (davidblagg gmail.com) of Silver Spring, Maryland. They win their choice of a copy of the word game One Up! or an autographed copy of the book A Word A Day. Here are a few selections from the responses that came in as the week progressed: MONDAY: oenophile
Most common answer:
Most creative answer: TUESDAY: oenophile, interstitial
Most common answer:
Random answer: WEDNESDAY: oenophile, interstitial, stupefy
Most common answers:
Most creative answer: THURSDAY: oenophile, interstitial, stupefy, defalcate
Most creative answer:
Random answer: FRIDAY: oenophile, interstitial, stupefy, defalcate, somnolence
Almost-got-it answer:
Most common answer: Congratulations to all the readers who solved the puzzle and thanks to all for participating.
From: Ron Turner (ron lastgasp.com) When I was attending Fresno State U. in the 60s I came upon the School of Oenology. UC Davis also had such a school. The library was filled with cases of great work, ready for study. We coined a term for college-educated winos back then: An oeno. It is a relevant distinction to those who know the difference between Thunderbird, white port, or Night Train, but not a Pinot Grigio or an Old Vine Zinfandel. We had a great study group.
Ron Turner, San Francisco, California
From: David Brugger (djbonline verizon.net) When I was working in the world of public television, interstitials was a noun used to refer to the promotional material or messages between programs.
David Brugger, Washington, DC
From: Venkataraman Balakrishnan (venkataraman.balakrishnan gmail.com) Interstitial is the word used in physics for a common form of defect in crystalline solids, where an atom occupies an interstitial position (what else!) in an otherwise regular array of atoms.
Venkataraman Balakrishnan, Chennai, India
From: Amitava Guha (amitavaguha yahoo.com) Being a metallurgist, I learned early on that steel is an interstitial solid solution of carbon in iron!
Amitava Guha, Cleveland, Ohio
From: Pat Locklin (patricia.a.locklin maine.gov) Wow! We use this word at work all the time. How do you know when a buried gasoline tank may be leaking? The alarm indicates that there is fluid in the interstitial space.
Pat Locklin, Augusta, Maine
From: James Friend (frienddjp comcast.net) One of my all-time favorite definitions comes from Samuel Johnson's dictionary:
Network. n.s. [net and work.] Any thing reticulated or decussated, at
equal distances, with interstices between the intersections.
Of course, our current understanding of the word has extended Johnson's meaning to include such things as radio and TV stations, electrical grids, and social connections, none of which is characterized by having equal distances, but certainly do have interstices between the intersections when represented graphically.
James Friend, Bala Cynwyd, Pennsylvania
From: Ken Kirste (kkkirste sbcglobal.net) This word took me back to my grammar school days when we were given an assignment to teach us to use the dictionary. We were given a week to discover a new word, look up its meaning, and report our findings in front of the class. My teacher's jaw dropped when I illustrated the word stupefy by passing around the previous Sunday's Li'l Abner comic strip featuring "Stupefyin' Jones" a woman so voluptuous her looks stopped men in their tracks.
Ken Kirste, Sunnyvale, California
From: Amrit Chavada (amrit.chavada raymond.in) There's a spell in the Harry Potter series -- Stupefy -- which stuns the opponent
Amrit Chavada, Mumbai, India
From: Robert Montgomery (rmont sympatico.ca) When you speak French, the meanings of some English words can be easy to deduce. In French, a "stupéfiant" is a narcotic. Knowing this makes it easy to talk to teens about avoiding narcotics, recreational drugs, and alcohol because the word sounds like stupid.
Robert Montgomery, Gatineau, Canada
Thought is the blossom; language the bud; action the fruit behind it.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882)
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