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AWADmail Issue 466A Weekly Compendium of Feedback on the Words in A.Word.A.Day and Tidbits about Words and Language
From: Anu Garg (words at wordsmith.org)
Run: A Verb for Our Frantic Times
Funny or Die: Groupon's Fate Hinges on Words
An Unspeakable Word Is the Word That Has to Be Spoken
The Bilingual Advantage
The Magic of Words (by Yours Truly)
From: Verna Rollins (ladysteak aol.com) We always called this diarrhea of the mouth. When I was young my parents told us that having diarrhea of the mouth is bad enough but when one has brain constipation, everyone suffers.
Verna Rollins
From: Barb Altman (altman.barb gmail.com) Subject: Re: A.Word.A.Day--logorrhea Leads to the logical extension blogorrhea, for those with a keyboard grafted onto their hands.
Barb Altman, Chelmsford, Massachusetts
From: John Nunnikhoven (john4ns fastmail.fm) My reservation management system for our inn had a section to record comments about a guest to help recall that guest. It was a big help in getting the room set up for that guest, ensuring that their favorite foods were on the menu, and remembering who they were. One of the codes used was BVS (biblio-vomatis syndrome) for those individuals who had developed the capability of continuing the flow of words on both the inhale and exhale portions of the breathing cycle. Logorrhea is much more elegant.
John Nunnikhoven, Chester, Vermont
From: Mike Turbine-Hamilton (mike.turbinehamilton gmail.com) You may not have come across the word necrophilately. This is the collecting and study of stamps from dead countries. East Germany and the Soviet Union are recent examples but many necrophilatelic favourites such as the Baltic states, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, and so on are now "zombie" states: formerly dead but now resurrected.
Mike Turbine-Hamilton, Dalry, Scotland
From: Peter Bingham-Pankratz (petermbp gmail.com) This is not the first time I've encountered phycology. I see many used books every day in my job at a bookstore, and some months ago I came across Robert Edward Lee's Phycology. At first I thought the title was a misspelling of Psychology, but after leafing through the book realized this was a resource dealing with the depths of the ocean, not the mind.
Peter Bingham-Pankratz, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin
From: Adam Fuqua (ambrosetallis yahoo.com) Once Magellan founded the first church in the Philippines, it became a true hagiocracy. One of the King's governors was even shot by the Catholic monks in Manila's walled city upon his arrival for carrying an edict the monks didn't like. At that time, the city housed no less than seven Catholic cathedrals surrounding the town square.
Adam Fuqua, Manila, Philippines
From: Brett Beiles (brettb hardyboys.co.za) This sparks a new word -- hajiocracy: government by hajis (those who have been on a haj).
Brett Beiles, Westville, South Africa
From: Christopher Zimny (christhezimny gmail.com)
Christopher Zimny, Sarasota, Florida
From: Liana Lupas (llupas americanbible.org) As a former classicist, I would like to point out that in technical parlance paleography refers to manuscripts and epigraphy to the the study of inscriptions.
Liana Lupas, New York, New York
From: Eric Shackle (ericshackle bigpond.com) You say this word derives from Greek paleo (old, ancient). It's appropriate, then that the name of the world's oldest blogger is Bernando la Polla, who will be 110 on August 17. For more about him, see Open Writing.
Eric Shackle, Sydney, Australia
From: Linda McCall (kauaimc yahoo.com) I have been a volunteer reader with the Santa Barbara, California unit of Recording for the Blind & Dyslexic (RFB&D) for over 10 years. RFB&D is a non-profit organization that provides textbooks for print-disabled students, from 4th grade arithmetic to post-graduate texts in the sciences, law, and literature. The organization was formed in 1948 to help veterans who had lost their sight in the war reclaim their lives by continuing their education. We read "cold" some sessions; that is, we read whatever is in the queue and we may or may not be familiar with the material. AWAD has been invaluable to me, as I've come across words that have appeared in my daily emails. It happens often. Please take a look at learningally.org, and if you're looking for a really amazing and rewarding volunteer opportunity -- and an opportunity to learn while serving -- please consider this organization. Your life will be better for it. I became a volunteer with The Linus Project, which provides knitted or crocheted blankets and hats for seriously ill and traumatized children, after seeing it mentioned in a comment in your weekly compendium. Your influence reaches far and wide. Thank you,
Linda McCall, Santa Barbara, California
High is our calling, Friend!--Creative Art / (Whether the instrument of
words she use, Or pencil pregnant with ethereal hues,) / Demands the service
of a mind and heart. -William Wordsworth, poet (1770-1850)
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