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Jan 19, 2005
This week's themeMiscellaneous words This week's words odium presentism repine diriment animus “Language is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone.” ~Emerson Invite friends & family A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargrepine(ri-PYN)
verb intr.: [From re- + pine, from Middle English, from Old English pinian (to suffer). Ultimately from Indo-European root k(w)ei- that's also the source of words such as pain, penal, punish, impunity, and subpoena.]
"The rest of her life was to be spent in a wheelchair. She did not repine."
"But Oswald was a patient man and he never murmured or repined." See more usage examples of repine in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. X-BonusNothing is more dangerous than an idea when it's the only one you have. -Emile Chartier, philosopher (1868-1951) |
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