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Apr 4, 1999
This week's themeWords that go out of their way to not apply to themselves This week's words phonetic abbreviation monosyllabic hemidemisemiquaver descender diminutive opuscule Internet Anagram Server I, Rearrangement Servant May I try your name? Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargopusculeopuscule (o-PUS-kyool) noun A small, minor work. [Latin opusculum, diminutive of opus, work.]
"The second part of Stillman's dissertation treated the small opuscule
of a Mr. Henry Dark who, while living in England before emigrating to
Boston, was presumed to have been John Milton's secretary. In a short
text of 1690 entitled The New Babel, Dark made America equal in status
to the promised land of the Old Testament." Why is the word that describes a small work bigger than the one that describes a larger work?
X-BonusFor as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love. -Pythagoras
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