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Mar 30, 1999
This week's themeWords that go out of their way to not apply to themselves This week's words phonetic abbreviation monosyllabic hemidemisemiquaver descender diminutive opuscule May I make a link? Yes. You don't need anyone's permission to make a link to a site. Linking is what makes the Web work... more Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargabbreviationabbreviation (uh-bree-vee-AY-shuhn) noun 1. The act or product of shortening. 2. A shortened form of a word or phrase used chiefly in writing to represent the complete form, such as Mass. for Massachusetts or USMC for United States Marine Corps. 3. Music. Any of various symbols used in notation to indicate that a series of notes is to be repeated. [Middle English abbreviaten, from Late Latin abbreviare, abbreviat- : ab- (variant of ad-) + breviare, to shorten, from brevis, short.]
"(Beavis and Butt-Head) spend every moment of what passes for waking life
on their duffs watching rock videos on TV and saying either `This sucks!'
or `Cool!' They are, in short, embryonic film critics, and as a mark of
respect to their firstfull-screen adventure - see below - I shall indicate
with a system of simple B&B- inspired abbreviations which films are
distinguished (C), which are undistinguished (S), which are provocative
if flawed (C/S) and which are profoundly dismaying save for certain
redemptive elements (S/C)." Why is abbreviation such a long word?
X-BonusEducation's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. -Malcolm S. Forbes
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