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Nov 2, 2007
This week's themeWords related to food This week's words verjuice jentacular cibarious macaronic xerophagy This week's comments AWADmail 279 Next week's theme Adjectives A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargxerophagy(zi-ROF-uh-jee)noun: The eating of dry food, especially food that's cooked without oil. From Latin xero- (dry), from Greek xeros + Latin -phagy (eating), from Greek phagia. In the early Christian Church, xerophagy meant eating food cooked in water and salt during Lent. Xerophagy has also been practiced in prison and in the military as a form of punishment.
"Your Uncle Charles had his blood cholesterol tested late last week.
Though the verdict rendered was no worse than a rather unperspicuous
'Normal to Upper-normal', the penultimate modifier has caused, as you
might anticipate, much pacing and high-decibel whingeing, as well as
vows of eternal xerophagy from here on out." X-BonusTo suffering there is a limit; to fearing, none. -Francis Bacon, essayist, philosopher, and statesman (1561-1626) |
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