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Nov 29, 2011
This week's themeIllustrated words This week's words redolent equable terrene hegemony antediluvian Illustration: Leah Palmer Preiss Make a gift that keeps on giving, all year long A gift subscription of AWAD Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargequable
adjective: 1. Not easily upset; tranquil. 2. Uniform; steady. 3. Free from extremes. ETYMOLOGY:
From Latin aequus (even, equal). Earliest documented use: before 1676.
"It takes a lot to disturb the equable temperament of Celtic goalkeeper
Jonathan Gould." Ian Paul; Enforced Rest Has Left Gould Seething; The Herald (Glasgow, Scotland); Sep 29, 1999. "What was, until quite recently, predictable, temperate, mild, and equable British weather, now sees the seasons reversed and temperature and rainfall records broken almost every year." John Vidal; Extreme Weather Ahead; The Guardian (London, UK); Jun 14, 2011. See more usage examples of equable in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. A THOUGHT FOR TODAY:
Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wanted to make a million dollars, the best way to do it would be start his own religion. -L. Ron Hubbard, science fiction author who later started the Church of Scientology (1911-1986)
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