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Why is there so much negativity around us? Open a newspaper, watch TV, listen to the radio, and you find nothing but negative words. Ever wonder why some words almost always appear in their negative forms? It's completely evitable, as the words for the next five days prove.

This week's AWAD presents words that are scrutable and a quick peek in the dictionary shows that these are licit formations. Use these words in your writing for a gainly touch, a couth appearance. I hope you feel gruntled with this week's theme.

sipid (SIP-id)

adjective: Having a pleasing taste or flavor.

[Back formation from insipid, from Late Latin insipidus, from in- (not) + sapidus (savory), from sapere (to taste, to know). Ultimately from Indo-European root sep- (to taste or perceive) that is also the source of sage, savant, savvy, savor, sapid, sapient, and insipid.]

"CBS adds two new comedies to the mix this year, moving the insipid 'Major Dad' to Friday nights to make room for John Ritter and Markie Post in the slightly more sipid 'Hearts Afire'."
Ed Siegel; Monday: CBS is the Ticket; Boston Globe; Sep 14, 1992.


There are four ways, and only four ways, in which we have contact with the world. We are evaluated and classified by these four contacts: what we do, how we look, what we say, and how we say it. -Dale Carnegie, author and educator (1888-1955)

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