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Discuss A.Word.A.Day--pudibundUsually the words in AWAD form a theme but once in a while we simply feature words that are engaging by themselves. Consider this a cross-country drive through the dictionary, with no itinerary in hand. We'll make several stops along the way, but who knows where we might stop, and why. Let's see what kind of words we might come across. We'll meet words that are long or short and unusual or familiar, but all of them, just like people, are interesting if we care enough to learn about them. pudibund (PYOO-di-buhnd) adjective: Prudish. From Latin pudere (to make or be ashamed).
"Curiously, Life, pudibund family magazine that it was, hesitated about
running the story."
X-BonusDon't be yourself. Be someone a little nicer. -Mignon McLaughlin, journalist and author (1913-1983) |
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