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Jun 12, 2003
This week's themeYours to discover This week's words extemporize impresario macroscopic postdiluvian plausive License Our Material Not just in email, our daily words appear in various media, from newspapers to digital picture frames. You too can license our material for your newspaper, magazine, website, newsletter, LCD display, etc. See details. Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day--postdiluvianpostdiluvian (post-di-LOO-vee-uhn) adjective Pertaining to the period after the Biblical flood or any great flood. noun Someone or something in the period after the Biblical flood or any large flood. [From Latin post- (after) + diluvium (flood), from diluere (to wash away), from di- + -luere (to wash), combining form of lavere (to wash). Other words derived from the same root are: deluge, dilute, and lotion.] A related word is antediluvian (related to the period before the Biblical flood). It is also used to apply to someone or something very old or old-fashioned, e.g. antediluvian CEO or antediluvian ideas.
"But that was in the good old days. Now, our postdiluvian world is swamped
with hundreds of different kinds of the things ..."
"Just as important, the flood damage inspired Congress to earmark almost
$200 million to get Yosemite back into shape, finally making it possible
to take action on the General Management Plan. Central to the agency's
blueprint for the postdiluvian Yosemite is the phased removal of private
automobiles, starting by requiring reservations for parking inside the
valley boundaries and eliminating day-use auto touring." This week's theme: yours to discover.
X-BonusThe function of the imagination is not to make strange things settled, so much as to make settled things strange. -G.K. Chesterton, essayist and novelist (1874-1936) |
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