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Mar 10, 1999
This week's themePi words to mark Pi Day This week's words piacular picante pizzicato piddle pianissimo pissoir pilose On your calendar Get A.Word.A.Day on your calendar A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargpizzicato(pit-si-KA-toh)
adjective: Played by plucking rather than bowing the strings. [Italian, past participle of pizzicare, to pluck, from pizzare, to prick, from pizzo, point.]
"The band employs a violinist and accordionist, and both are masters of
their instruments' diverse qualities -- a gentle middle-Eastern drone here,
some pizzicato offbeat there."
X-BonusA note of music gains significance from the silence on either side. -Anne Morrow Lindberg, writer (1906-2001)
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