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Oct 23, 2006
This week's themeWords to describe people This week's words pertinacious pixilated oscitant punctilious pococurante Internet Anagram Server I, Rearrangement Servant May I try your name? A.Word.A.Day
with Anu GargPhilosopher, mathematician, and writer, Bertrand Russell once said, "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts." This week's words describe people who fall somewhere in that spectrum. Do any of them remind you of someone you know? pertinaciousadjective:1. Holding resolutely to a purpose, belief, or opinion. 2. Stubbornly unyielding. From Latin pertinac- pertinax, per- (thoroughly) + tenax (tenacious), from tenere (to hold).
"A man is pertinacious when he defends his folly and trusts too greatly in his own wit." See more usage examples of pertinacious in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. X-BonusSeven blunders of the world that lead to violence: wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, politics without principle. -Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) |
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