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Aug 6, 2007
This week's themeRed-herring words This week's words malefactor incommode axenic hardscrabble breastsummer Daily word @ your site Add the daily word to your web page. It is free. A.Word.A.Day
with Anu GargEven though most malefactors on this planet happen to be male, the word in itself has nothing to imply that men have a monopoly in the crime biz. A woman who holds up a bank is still a malefactor, maybe a malefactress, but never a femalefactor. The combining form male- meaning 'evil' occurs in words derived from Latin. So malevolence in a person can be a precursor to violence in those belonging to the fair sex as easily as in those of the unfair sex. This week brings together five words with meanings that are not the first things that come to mind. Watch out for these red-herring words!
malefactor(MAL-uh-fak-tuhr)noun: One who does harm. [From Latin male- (evil) + facere (to do).]
"True, most malefactors do get some sort of a break on their jail time
in Orange County." See more usage examples of malefactor in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. X-BonusA woman's head is always influenced by heart; but a man's heart by his head. -Marguerite Gardiner, writer (1 Sep 1789-1849) |
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