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Nov 13, 2003
This week's themeArchaic words This week's words clepe sennight anon gainsay hearken Next week’s theme Misc. words A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Garghearken
also harken or hark
verb intr.: [From Middle English herknen, from Old English he(o)rcnian.]
"The reasons long given by the old guard for barring women -- that they
will cause disorder and create competition among the men, that they play
with a different character than men, that their pregnancies would disrupt
scheduling -- seem laughably antiquated. Such notions conjure up images
of women as temptresses and hearken to times when the sight of a cello
between a woman's legs was considered unfeminine."
X-BonusEfficiency is intelligent laziness. -David Dunham |
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