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This week's theme
Yours to discover This week's words scintillescent vetitive rapparee bilabial froufrou This week's solution AWADmail 217 Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day--froufrouThis week's theme: yours to discover. froufrou (FROO-froo) noun 1. Something fancy, elaborate, and showy. 2. A rustling sound, as of a silk dress. [From French, of imitative origin.] What's common among the five words (scintillescent, vetitive, rapparee, bilabial, froufrou) featured here this week? If you know the answer, send it to wordsATwordsmith.org (replace AT with @). The first person to identify it wins an autographed copy of the book "Another Word A Day".
"Too often I go to some lunch party and am presented with an exquisite
froufrou creation when what I long for is the pasta the three-year-old
sitting next to me is given."
X-BonusAdulthood is the ever-shrinking period between childhood and old age. It is the apparent aim of modern industrial societies to reduce this period to a minimum. -Thomas Szasz, author, professor of psychiatry (1920- ) |
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