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Jun 3, 2003
This week's themeNumeric terms This week's words sixty-four-dollar question eighty-six twenty-twenty deep-six catch-22 Subscribe Subscribe to A.Word.A.Day. It's free. A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargeighty-six or 86(AY-tee SIKSverb tr.: 1. To throw out; discard; reject. 2. To refuse to serve (a customer). adjective: Sold-out (of an item). noun: An undesirable customer, one who is denied service. [Perhaps rhyming slang for nix.]
"He says the show will go on next month, though scheduling conflicts may
move it to another hotel and the band may be eighty-sixed."
"David enlists the help of his friend Richard Lewis to buy a bracelet for
his wife from a jewelry store that 86ed him." X-BonusThe most important political office is that of private citizen. -Louis Brandeis, lawyer, judge, and writer (1856-1941) |
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