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Aug 3, 2001
This week's themeWords evolved using folk etymologies This week's words humble_pie kickshaw wiseacre rakehell chaise longue Make a gift that keeps on giving, all year long: A gift subscription of AWAD or give the gift of books Discuss Feedback RSS/XML A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargchaise longuechaise longue (shayz LONG) noun, plural chaise longues or chaises longues (shays LONG) A reclining chair with an elongated seat for supporting legs. [From French, literally long chair. The prevalent variant form of this term, chaise lounge, is formed by folk etymology.]
"A pair of Air Force pilots recently locked themselves inside
a closet-size metal box here for 50 hours, subsisting on cold pizza and
instant noodles, amusing themselves with crossword puzzles and paperback
books, and taking occasional catnaps on a fold-up chaise longue from
Wal-Mart. The box was a B-2 bomber simulator."
"In addition to the goldfish pond and fireplace, it sports a chaise lounge
covered in hand-painted silk, a modest waterfall and an exercise alcove."
X-BonusWhat is called discretion in men is called cunning in animals. -Jean de la Fontaine, poet and fabulist (1621-1695) |
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