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Apr 26, 2005
This week's themeVerbs This week's words temporize adduce perpend animadvert palter “Language is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone.” ~Emerson Invite friends & family A.Word.A.Day
with Anu Gargadduce(uh-DOOS, uh-DYOOS)verb tr.: To offer as evidence; to offer something as proof. [From Latin adducere (to bring forward), from ad- (towards) + ducere (to lead), Ultimately from Indo-European root deuk- (to lead) that led to other words such as duke, conduct, educate, duct, wanton, and tug.]
"Before passing judgement, Phumaphi told the accused that evidence
adduced in court linked him to the murders." See more usage examples of adduce in Vocabulary.com's dictionary. X-BonusI am so convinced of the advantages of looking at mankind instead of reading about them, and of the bitter effects of staying at home with all the narrow prejudices of an Islander, that I think there should be a law amongst us to set our young men abroad for a term among the few allies our wars have left us. -Lord Byron, poet (1788-1824) |
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